Friday, May 28, 2010

“Weekend Warrior”

So, You Don’t Think You Need an Electrician, Eh?

The shocking truth of do-it-yourself electrical work…when it’s okay, and when you really need to hire a pro.

Throughout our many years of service, we’ve seen some pretty bizarre stuff. After all, who hasn’t (at one time or another) attempted a small electrical repair on their own?

We understand the need. Heck, we even encourage it…provided, of course, you know your stuff, your limitations, and when you’re better off calling the professionals at Rapid Service for assistance.

Of all the repairs you’re likely to attempt, the one most fraught with potential danger is electrical wiring. Countless house fires result from poor wiring techniques, substandard materials, faulty extension cords, or defective electrical appliances. Why so much trouble? Because electrical wiring often seems simpler than it really is. Worse, even the smallest of mistakes can cause shock hazards that may not be evident until it’s too late.

Bend a wire, tighten a screw, wrap a little electrical tape? Go ahead, give it a whirl. Just don’t forget to turn off the power first!

Of course, wanting to do the job yourself, or even having a reasonable amount of ability, often isn’t enough. In many towns, there are limitations on the work an unlicensed person may do... even you! Hence the need and presence of electrical codes.

One of the primary reasons they exist in the first place is to prevent one small mistake can potentially endanger hundred if not thousands of lives.

Electrical codes also ensure consistency and uniformity, without which….well, let’s just it would be bad. Really bad.

Not sure what’s in the your local codes, or where to find them? Call us…we’ll be glad to point you in the right direction. In the meantime, we’d like to offer you this chance to save money on your next indoor or outdoor lighting project with the coupon available on our website or by calling our office. Just our way of reminding you that a little “illumination” can go a long way.

See you next time…“Around the House.”